Since 2007, when I began to experiment with Joomla!, it was always a pending debt attending a Joomla! Day. Finally, the day arrived and the scene was perfect in Joomla Day Sevilla. To add excitement to the moment, I was honored to present the topic of Mobile Application Development: Mobile app development for Joomla

I arrived two days before the event to see the city and participate in the event organization. Sevilla is a wonderful city. From the airport you can already perceive a modern infrastructure, where all details have received attention. Considering the number of tourists arriving in the city and its own weight, this is a great achievement. Later, downtown represents the roots of the zone with labyrinthine neighborhoods, just meters from Real Alcázar and Seville Cathedral.

Sevilla es una ciudad maravillosa

On Saturday, it was time to meet the Joomla! live. In my experience within the community, the relationship is always stimulating and challenging. In a first contact, a climate of friendship and overall familiarity can be perceived, originated from long online conversations. For newcomers, it is an oasis of experiences and expertise freely offered. In the long haul, the community reveals layers of complex technological and political relations, that must be learned to navigate through. I was able to experience firsthand all these dimensions in Joomla Day Sevilla. Congratulations to the organizers of open source events, Eventoos!

As a writer, my memory fails me always, I relay here to blogs of my fellow speakers who published excellent reviews:

On the other hand, it was time for my presentation, Mobile app development for Joomla. Mobile Apps are the novelty of the moment, in a business that is booming. We are already beyond the initial wave of mobile apps, where developing a native app was an occult science. At this time, all websites may have an App and Internet experience will never be the same. In particular, the topic of my talk was focused on WebApps that can be developed for Android and iOS based on HTML, CSS and Javascript, integrated with Joomla! CMS.

JDay Sevilla 2015 Mobile app developmet for Joomla

PDF: Mobile app development for Joomla

Spanish versionDesarrollo de apps móviles para Joomla PDF: Desarrollo de apps móviles para Joomla

In conclusion. I arrived with a load of expectations, typical of a long maturation period and recent change in my life, where I traveled from my beloved Buenos Aires to Oviedo, Asturias. All my expectations were more than fulfilled, a first perfect Joomla Day. Thanks to Joomla!

Finally, to double the bet, between November 6 and 8 2015, Joomla! World Conference will be held. A worldwide event, where I will be able to attend thanks to Joomla Event Travel Programme (JET). On top of this, I will be introducing Mobile Apps development for Joomla! topic. If you have the opportunity to travel to Bangalore - India, this is an unsurpassable opportunity.



Aníbal Sánchez - Perdido y Encontrado en la Computación

Aníbal Sánchez

  • PHP-Prefixer / Product Manager
  • PHP-Prefixer is an automated online service powered by a complex rule-based system to apply prefixes to Composer dependencies.
  • Extly Tech / Team Leader
  • Empower your project with our web solutions. Today, working on Laravel, Amazon AWS, and Ionic. A Joomla Volunteer.

Follow @anibalsanchez

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