A month ago, on May 13, 2019, Tailwind team released 1.0.0, the first stable release of the project. Tailwind has been growing exponentially, and the step of defining a stable API is the most important milestone achieved so far.

At its core, Tailwind offers:

  • A clean and simple Utility-first set of tools and syntax to express any design
  • A modern toolbox to quickly manage templates
  • A consistent approach to achieve the objectives with a lean methodology

I have created a template for Joomla that implements Tailwind CSS. Now, it is the right time to publish the third version of the template that empowers this blog: anibalsanchez/XT-Tailwind-for-Joomla v2.0.3. The template comes with the latest Tailwind CSS version (1.0.3) that has been released after the v1 mark. It is powered by Tailwind, Webpack, PostCSS, PurgeCSS, and CSSNano. The final size of the stylesheet is minimal, 3KB.

To know more about this fantastic Utility-first CSS framework, there is a whole array of updated documentation, that showcases how the framework achieves its objectives:

Updating to Tailwind CSS v1.0.0-beta.1 in Joomla


do you want to race

Good numbers, there is still room for future improvements.

To the moon!

Aníbal Sánchez - Perdido y Encontrado en la Computación

Aníbal Sánchez

  • PHP-Prefixer / Product Manager
  • PHP-Prefixer is an automated online service powered by a complex rule-based system to apply prefixes to Composer dependencies.
  • Extly Tech / Team Leader
  • Empower your project with our web solutions. Today, working on Laravel, Amazon AWS, and Ionic. A Joomla Volunteer.

Follow @anibalsanchez

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