Since the last post about Tailwind and Joomla, a world of improvements and new features! I've just released the new version of the template for Joomla v3.3.0 that includes the latest news anibalsanchez/XT-Tailwind-for-Joomla

Information |Description=Tailwind Airlines Boeing 737-400 TC-TLB |Source=own work |Author=JuergenL |Date=2010-04-29

Tailwind CSS has been growing exponentially, and the team behind the framework has been working restlessly. These are the latest news and updates included in the template for Joomla:

  • Tailwind CSS v1.2.0, including support of CSS Transition, CSS Transform, CSS Grid, and more.
  • Tailwind UI compatibility, the template for Joomla include the plugin and the steps to copy-paste the components published on the site.
  • Addition of PostCSS best practices, postcss-import and postcss-nested

On top of this, the template also includes the Webpack configuration to:

  • develop it from static prototypes, or
  • integrate it on Joomla backend, or
  • design it as a dynamic proxy on a running site; and
  • pack it in the Joomla template as an installable extension.

Don't miss this update; it has everything to make it a handy solution to create exciting designs with Tailwind CSS.

PS: Needless to say that it has top-notch performance.

Aníbal Sánchez - Perdido y Encontrado en la Computación

Aníbal Sánchez

Versatile Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer (PHP, Laravel, Java, Spring, Vue.js/Vite) | Data Science Enthusiast | Open Source Contributor | Tech Entrepreneur


  • PHP-Prefixer / Product Manager
  • PHP-Prefixer is an automated online service powered by a complex rule-based system that applies prefixes to Composer dependencies.
  • Extly Tech / Team Leader
  • Empower your project with our web solutions. Today, working on Laravel, Amazon AWS, and Ionic. A Joomla Volunteer.

Follow @anibalsanchez

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