Mi Blog Personal
La simplicidad es la máxima sofisticación
???? My first JCM article: Joomla 3.5, from 8-bit ASCII to full Unicode ????
6,007 ways to say thanks to Joomla!
A modern extension for Joomla #JAB18 - joo.nu/jmodern
A recipe for Joomla on Lando and Docker containers
A series of articles about Joomla modernization
Actualización de Tailwind para Joomla: Grillas CSS, transiciones, componentes y más
An update to Lando recipes for Joomla, PrestaShop and WordPress
Aprovechando la iniciativa #10puntosweb, hoy relanzo mi blog!
Balance del "Una aplicación móvil por sitio Joomla!" en el primer Meetup de Joomla!Madrid
Best practices riding Tailwind CSS
Bright, colorful and clean: Atum backend template for Joomla 4 Alpha 12
Brillante, colorido y limpio: Atum plantilla de backend para Joomla 4 Alpha 12
Búsquedas Instantáneas con Algolia en Joomla (WPO)
Charla del Mastermind JUG: Introducción a Tailwind CSS
FAQ - XT Tailwind for Joomla
Geometry field oddities between MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7
Hablando de Tailwind CSS
Integrating Sentry's error handler in Joomla template error page
Joomla Forum for the Future: The change is coming
Joomla! 4 y más allá: Audiencia objetivo y un mensaje de marketing unificado
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Aníbal Sánchez
Versatile Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer (PHP, Laravel, Java, Spring, Vue.js/Vite) | Data Science Enthusiast | Open Source Contributor | Tech Entrepreneur
- PHP-Prefixer / Product Manager
- PHP-Prefixer is an automated online service powered by a complex rule-based system to apply prefixes to Composer dependencies.
- Extly Tech / Team Leader
- Empower your project with our web solutions. Today, working on Laravel, Amazon AWS, and Ionic. A Joomla Volunteer.
- linkedin.com/in/anibalsanchez
- github.com/anibalsanchez
- @anibal_sanchez
- facebook/anibal.sanchez
- stackexchange/anibal
Aikido Manual Aetaiki - Aikikai